Core Values
Christ - Centered
To create space for ALL people to find their place in Christ
So ALL can know and share the life-giving love of Jesus
UMC Misson
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world
Trinity's Welcome Statement
"We believe that God’s Grace and Love extends to all people demanding of us a radical inclusiveness for Trinity Church. A radical inclusiveness means we believe when God offers Grace to everyone God doesn’t care what you are, who you’ve been, where you came from, what the color of your skin is, who you love, what you believe or doubt, how old you are, how much you earn, what your range of physical or mental abilities is, what your sexual orientation is, or what your gender identity and expression may be. God doesn’t care because God loves and extends Grace to everyone, regardless. At Trinity Church we seek to follow the example God sets for us."

Trinity Church is a reconciling
ministries (RMN) church
In October 2018 Trinity Church voted to become an official member of Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN). This decision came after over 20 years of radically inclusive ministry at Trinity. Email us at for more information.

Core Values
Christ - Centered
We believe Jesus is our source of life and purpose. By seeking to do what he would do, we can faithfully live, love, lead, and serve one another.
We believe that when we embrace diversity as part of our evangelistic mission, we grow in the grace and knowledge of God. We welcome, affirm, and celebrate the gifts of diverse people in the life of Trinity Church.
We honor our historic traditions, while embracing innovation. We believe that because we are grounded in the roots of Methodism, serving on Telfair Square since 1848, Trinity Church is called to guide and support the Savannah community through periods of political, social, and spiritual change.
We want to help people grow and heal while being authentic about our imperfections, working to identify and develop meaningful opportunities which address the needs of our community, promote social justice, and compel us to embody the love of Jesus for the world.