Upcoming 2025 Events


Spring Blood Drive
February 1 - May 1
The church is hosting a virtual blood drive with the American Red Cross from Feb 1 to May 1. Check out the campaign or join by pledging to donate at this link, and then donating at your local blood donation center within the timeframe.
Reasons for donating blood can be deeply personal. Sam Watkins says. “Tobye, my wife had Crohn’s Disease, getting decidedly worse. She had routine blood work done at the lab and then we left to grocery shop. The phone rang & I was told to take her immediately to the ER; she was immediately taken back. I recognized the blood product and it stated, ‘Volunteer donor: American Red Cross.’ A volunteer donor saved Toybe’s life! Since then, I donate as soon as I’m eligible.” Contact Leisel for any questions at (912) 220-7830.
IOH UMC Line Dancing Night
Friday, February 7
This Friday evening, February 7th at 7:00 PM, the Isle of Hope UMC is hosting a night of Line Dancing, and everyone is welcome! It will be located in their ministry center, and you can RSVP at the link below.

Isle of Hope UMC
412 Parkersburg Road
Savannah, Georgia
Savannah Book Festival
Saturday, February 8
The Savannah Book Festival (SBF) is scheduled for February 6-9, 2025. We will once again be hosting author presentations here at Trinity Church on Saturday, February 8th. The four-day Festival is only possible with the help of over 200 volunteers throughout Savannah! Thank you to everyone who volunteered; registration is now closed.

This Saturday, February 8th, is Festival Saturday! 40+ renowned authors will give free 30-minute presentations (with additional new panel discussions) in multiple unique venues in historic Downtown Savannah. Authors will discuss their subjects, creative process, and life as a writer, followed by a Q&A and book signing. Food trucks will provide delicious refreshments between presentations. Check out the details at their website below.
Wesley Community Center 2025 Love Walk
Saturday, February 8
The Wesley Community Centers' annual Love Walk will be held THIS Saturday, February 8th. The 3.6-mile walk beginning and ending at the WCC center on Drayton Street will include downtown streets, squares and Forsyth Park. Walkers have been asked to be at 1601 Drayton Street by 8:30AM. You can show up on Saturday and join the group - last minute entries are welcome! Proceeds from the event will support programming at the Wesley’s childcare center.

If you want to walk or learn more about asking for pledges, contact Connie Boole at cboole58@gmail.com or 912.210. 1583. You can also give directly to the Wesley Community Center at the link below.
UWF Sunday Lunch Meeting
Sunday, February 9 - 12:15 PM
United Women in Faith will meet on Sunday, February 9 in the Fellowship Hall at 12:15 PM, following morning worship. All women are invited to join and learn about the many projects we support and how you can be a powerful witness for God. This group meets every 2nd Sunday, with lunch available. Contact Dewilla Hooper (dewillahooper@yahoo.com) for more information or to RSVP.
Band of Mothers
Wednesday, February 19 - 6:15 PM
Band of Mothers is a group of mothers from all stages of life, who are joining forces to navigate the world of motherhood in community together. Our monthly meetings will continue on the third Wednesday of each month from 6:15 - 7:30 PM, held at the church in Room 317. You’ll find friendship and laughter while you socialize, process, learn, and grow together! Mothers of all kinds are welcome to join our group at any time; childcare will be provided for the church meetings. Want to learn more? Reach out to Jessica Hensley at 912-596-1159 with any questions!
Telfair Squares Lunch Bunch
Thursday, February 27 - 11:30 AM
Telfair Squares monthly lunch group will meet at 11:30 AM on Thursday, February 27th, location: TBD. For more information or to RSVP, contact Wayne Ervin at waynedervin67@gmail.com or 912-346-5895.


Ash Wednesday Evening Service
Wednesday, March 5 - 6:00 PM
Join us for our Ash Wednesday service on Wed., March 5 at 6:00 PM. Begin the season of Lent with this 30-minute service where we will sing, pray, and receive the imposition of ashes; you can join us in-person as well as online. There will be FREE parking in the garage directly behind the church building for those who worship in-person. Nursery childcare will be provided. Online worship will be live-streamed through Facebook, YouTube, and our website.
Civil Rights Pilgramage
Monday, March 11 - Wednesday, March 13
Embark on a meaningful journey to explore the heart of the Civil Rights Movement. Over three days, we will visit key landmarks in Montgomery that highlight the fight for justice, equality, and freedom, with a group from churches across the South Georgia Conference of the UMC.
Itinerary Highlights:
  • Legacy Museum & Gardens: Dive into the powerful history of slavery, segregation, and mass incarceration through interactive exhibits and stunning memorial gardens.
  • Rosa Parks Museum: Experience the story of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Dexter Avenue Baptist Church: Stand in the very place where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached and led the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a historic milestone in the struggle for equality.
This pilgrimage offers a chance for reflection, learning, and inspiration as we walk in the footsteps of those who shaped history. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of civil rights history and its ongoing relevance today.

The cost to attend is $475 ($450 with early registration before January 19). There is a non-refundable deposit of $75 to secure your spot. The cost includes:
  • Lodging in Downtown Montgomery
  • Tickets to The Legacy Museum, Rosa Parks Museum, Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, and a special lecture on Tuesday night. 
  • Dinner on Tuesday, March 11
  • Breakfast on Wednesday and Thursday Mornings
The registration deadline is Friday, January 31st, 2025.

Children's Choir Resumes Rehearsals
Sunday, March 16 - 9:45 AM
We will be excited to welcome our children's choir back for rehearsals beginning on Sunday, March 9, and they will join us to sing in worship on Sunday, May 11.
The children's choir is for those in 2nd - 5th grade, and meets weekly at 9:45 AM on Sunday mornings in the choir room. They will have 6-8 rehearsals, culminating in their Christmas performance on Sunday December 22nd. If you're interested, contact Ben Gosden or Dawn Wilson for more information.
Band Of Mothers
Wednesday, March 19 - 6:15 PM
Join the next meeting of Trinity's "Band of Mothers" on Wednesday, March 19, at 6:15 PM. This is a group of mothers from all stages of life, who are joining forces to navigate the world of motherhood in community together. Our monthly meetings will continue on the third Wednesday of each month from 6:15 - 7:30 PM, held at the church in Room 317. You’ll find friendship and laughter while you socialize, process, learn, and grow together! Mothers of all kinds are welcome to join our group at any time; childcare will be provided for the church meetings. Want to learn more? Reach out to Jessica Hensley at 912-596-1159 with any questions!
Young Adult Gathering
Friday, March 21 - 6:30 PM
Join us for a Young Adult Social on Friday, March 21 at 6:30 PM! Andrew Cosey and Patrick Wall will be hosting a the social at their house in Savannah. Food and beverages will be provided! Please RSVP to Andrew at (601) 433-6031 or andrew@austinhillrealty.com, or contact him for more details.
Telfair Squares
Thursday, March 27 - 11:30 AM
Telfair Squares monthly lunch group will meet at 11:30 AM on Thursday, March 27th, location: Wang's II Chinese Restaurant, 7601 Waters Ave, Savannah, GA 31406. For more information or to RSVP, contact Wayne Ervin at waynedervin67@gmail.com or 912-346-5895.
5th Sunday Luncheon, Bake Sale & Book Reading
Sunday, March 30 - 12:15 PM
Come for food and summer fellowship to the 5th Sunday Luncheon potluck on Sunday, March 30th, after the morning service in the Fellowship Hall. The church will provide the main dish; feel free to bring a side dish to share!

There will also be a Bake Sale hosted by UWF (United Women In Faith) during the luncheon to support their ministry. Contact Dewilla Hooper for more information on UWF at dewillahooper@yahoo.com.

After the luncheon, Pastor Ben will do a book reading, discussion, and signing of his new book - Grace Rediscovered - to kick off his book tour to Macon and Columbus!


JUST Spring Assembly
Monday, April 7 - 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Join the Savannah JUST group and come together to explore their Access to Mental Health Campaign proposal and its role in driving systemic change, promoting equity, and improving health outcomes in Chatham County. They will provide updates on action steps to ensure a successful campaign and discuss strategies to coordinate and maximize attendance at upcoming Nehemiah Action meeting (May 5th), strengthening the collective impact.

This meeting will take place at the Unitarian Universalist church in Savannah, located at 311 E. Harris St. Savannah, GA 31401.

For more information, check out www.justsav.org or contact Trinity's JUST representative, Connie Boole at cboole58@gmail.com.
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 13 - 11:00 AM
Join us on Sunday, April 13th at 11:00 AM for Palm Sunday as we kick off the holiest of weeks and join the joyful crowd of waving branches. Children and parents are invited to lead the palm leaf procession into Sunday worship at the beginning of the service. Palm branches will be handed out when you arrive. Check out the Facebook Event HERE for more details and event updates.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 17 - 6:00 PM
We invite you to join us for our special Maundy Thursday Service at 6:00 PM on Thursday April 17th. We will remember the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples and then join Mary Magdalene at the foot of the cross. The service will feature liturgical readings, music prepared by the Trinity chancel choir and handbell choir, and holy communion. Check out the Facebook Event HERE for more details and event updates.
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 20
This Easter Sunday, celebrate the resurrection of Christ with us at either of 2 joyous services at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. The Easter Sunday Services will feature special performances by the Trinity Chancel Choir, Trinity Handbell Choir, Brass Ensemble and hymns accompanied by our beautiful M.P. Möller pipe organ. Childcare & Children’s Church will be available for birth to 8th grade.

At 10:00 AM in Telfair Square, the annual children's Easter Egg Hunt will begin. Bring your baskets – all children are welcome to join! We also invite everyone to gather from 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM in our Fellowship Hall to celebrate Easter with food and fellowship at our Easter Brunch.

Check out the Facebook Event HERE for more details and event updates.