Trinity Kids

Weekly Schedule
10:00 - Sunday School (including music and motion as well as a lesson)
10:45 - Play and transition into worship hour
11:10 - Children's Moment in the Sanctuary
11:15 - Children's Church (including lesson and play time)
10:00 - Sunday School (including music and motion as well as a lesson)
10:45 - Play and transition into worship hour
11:10 - Children's Moment in the Sanctuary
11:15 - Children's Church (including lesson and play time)
Children in worship
Children of all ages are ALWAYS welcome in our worship time. We have a children's moment every Sunday at the beginning of our worship service. Afterwards, children 12 and under are invited to go back to the children's space in our education building for children's church.
Contact Children's Director Dawn Wilson here for questions!
Contact Children's Director Dawn Wilson here for questions!

Photos by Rich Burkhart Photography

We're All about orange!
ORANGE is a strategy we use where we seek to combine the two most important influences in a child's life -- Church and Home. We do this using a strategy that is BOTH theologically rich AND developmentally appropriate no matter the age of your child!
ORANGE is part children's Sunday curriculum and part support and resourcing for parents. Besides the fun and formation a child receives every Sunday, parents are given a ParentCue sheet to help them continue the formation throughout the week. Parents are also encouraged to download the ParentCue app. where they can access resources like parenting blogs, activities with kids, and ways to the daunting task of being a busy parent.
ORANGE is part children's Sunday curriculum and part support and resourcing for parents. Besides the fun and formation a child receives every Sunday, parents are given a ParentCue sheet to help them continue the formation throughout the week. Parents are also encouraged to download the ParentCue app. where they can access resources like parenting blogs, activities with kids, and ways to the daunting task of being a busy parent.

Trinity Youth Group
In 2019, Trinity re-launched our Youth Group. Their focus has been on growing spiritually and engaging in mission.
Contact Children's Director Dawn Wilson here for questions!
Contact Children's Director Dawn Wilson here for questions!